I am an assistant professor in Computer Science at Stevens Institute of Technology. My research interest is about addressing the real-world problems using human-computer interaction and machine learning techniques. I build machine learning applications and investigate interactions between a user and the application using quantitative and qualitative analysis. In my recent projects, I explored the challenges of identifying errors from speech recognizer and conducted user studies to facilitate machine teaching with a teachable object recognizer for non-experts.

I am looking for PhD students who are interested in Human-Computer Interaction, Machine Learning, or Accessibility. Please send an email to me.


The overarching theme of my research is designing and evaluating accessible interactions with emerging technologies such as wearables and AI-infused applications.

Recent publications

EnhancingWalk-Light Detector Usage for the Visually Impaired: A Comparison of VR Exploration and Verbal Instructions
Jonggi Hong, James Coughlan. W4A 2024

Blind Users Accessing Their Training Images in Teachable Object Recognizers
Jonggi Hong, Jaina Gandhi, Ernest Essuah Mensah, Farnaz Zeraati, Ebrima Jarjue, Kyungjun Lee, Hernisa Kacorri. ASSETS 2022.

From the Lab to People’s Home: Lessons from Accessing Blind Participants’ Interactions via Smart Glasses in Remote Studies
Kyungjun Lee, Jonggi Hong (co-first author), Ebrima Jarjue, Ernest Essuah Mensah, Hernisa Kacorri. W4A 2022.

How Content Authored by People with Dementia Affects Attitudes towards Dementia
Amanda Lazar, Robin N. Brewer, Hernisa Kacorri, Jonggi Hong, Mary Nicole Dugay Punzalan, Maisarah Mahathir, Olivia K. Richards, Warren Ross III. CSCW 2021.

Reviewing Speech Input with Audio: Differences between Blind and Sighted Users
Jonggi Hong, Christine Vaing, Hernisa Kacorri, Leah Findlater. TACCESS 2020.

Crowdsourcing the Perception of Machine Teaching

(Updated on May 24, 2024)